Saturday, September 09, 2006

Kyongju Trip, Day One

These pics are from day one of my trip to Kyongju.  The only pic that isn’t is the “Kings Tomb on the Sea”.  I included it with day one’s pics because of the “tomb” aspect.  The tombs really aren’t tombs either, as with Jeju, they burial mounds, though they are much larger than any that I saw in Jeju.

The tombs come from the ancient kings in Korea during the first dynasty.  There were three dynasties in Korea, the last one ended with the Japanese occupation of Korea in 1910.  So from around 300 A.D. until 1910, there were only 3 unified kingdoms.  Before that there were at least 3 different kingdoms.

Well, I hope you enjoy the pics.

Darren thanks so much for the comments about the pics.  It’s been very educational. :-)


Just an overview. Posted by Picasa

Just click on the pic for a bigger version of it. Posted by Picasa

My friends, Jane and Chris. :-) It was really great to take another trip with them again this year. They went with me to Jeju Island last year. Posted by Picasa

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One of my friends that went with me to Busan. Posted by Picasa

burial site Posted by Picasa

Replicas of the ancient royal jewels. Posted by Picasa

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I had to hold my camera above the wall to get this shot. The doors were locked but hey, why not. :-) Posted by Picasa

Traditionally food was left on this table for the spirit of the dead king. Posted by Picasa

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There is a log hanging next to the bell that is used to stake it to create its unique sound. Posted by Picasa

Aparently this is the oldest boat in Korea. When they drained the water out of the palace pond, they found this sunken boat along with many other artifacts. Posted by Picasa

An elaborate walkway stone. Posted by Picasa

ancient bronze shoes Posted by Picasa

And you thought your feather pillow was as hard as rock. ha :-P Posted by Picasa

Copies of what would seem to be a child's drawings found on walls. Looks pretty similar to today�s children's art work. Who knew that stick figures had been around for so long? :-P Posted by Picasa

I'm pretty sure this is an oil lamp. Posted by Picasa