Saturday, August 26, 2006

Kyongju Day 2

This set of pics is from my second day in Kyongju.  Briefly, this area in southern Korea is the site of the fist unified kingdom in Korea.  It dates back to before 1000 A.D.  Ya, exactly. :-)

Overall it was a really good trip.  We were continuously rained on, but it was intermittent and we could still enjoy our stops.  We just had to always have our umbrellas handy.  Happily, I was able to get some good pics as well.

I have information posted throughout the pics to help describe what you are looking at.  Enjoy.


This is a veiw from near the top of the mountain. To get to the top we had to walk. Posted by Picasa

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On the drive up to the temple site. Posted by Picasa

Just some nice flowers on the way up. Posted by Picasa

On the way to the top. Posted by Picasa

Sadly I was not allowed to take any pictures of this statue. Posted by Picasa

The temple you see has the stone buddha inside it. Posted by Picasa

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People who visit build these little stone pillars, though I'm not quite sure what they mean. Posted by Picasa

I had to take this picture standing very far away. I'm glad it turned out ok. :-) Posted by Picasa

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Amazing carpentry skills eh. Posted by Picasa

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