Back in Korea
Hello there my blogging fans :-P I know I know, it’s been a long time. Well, I’m back in Korea and I’ve got my first week of Lila under my belt. Shut-up, of course there’s room under there. :-P I’m now getting back into a rhythm and it’s nice. I’m working even more hours this year as we are short a foreign teacher. Anyone want to come and teach?
Today was an interesting day. I’m going to be on TV. Yep, I’m becoming famous what can I say. :-) A Korean TV company called Airing TV came to Lila and are making a short documentary about our school, and as their most experienced English Teacher, Airing came into my classroom and taped me teaching. I’m going to be on TV
:-) How about that! It’s a good thing I didn’t have to spell anything in class today. :-P
It’s good to be back. I’m enjoying my students again this year. I was able to continue teaching my favorite class, though they don’t know that they are my favorite. It’s a class of middle school students that are very mature for their age and is a conversational class. I really enjoy this class for two reasons; one, the students themselves are great, and two, I can actually teach them things, important things, life things, not just English. We do a weekly Bible study in that class. :-) Now that’s fun!
Blessings to you all,