Sunday, February 27, 2005

The Ultimate Adventure

If you really want to live on the edge, go into a restaurant where you can't read the menu, and choose something to eat based solely on tiny little pictures. And you have already committed to yourself that you will eat whatever comes out. Ya, now that's on the edge baby.

On my way back from Church today, I once again just popped into a restaurant. I looked at the menu and thought, well, that looks like it might be good. Thankfully, when it came, it didn't bark. lol

What I thought was a platter of something, turned out to be a bowl of soup. Ha. It was pretty good though. It had some pastry floating thingys, big big long noodles, and half a boiled egg as well as some kelp I think. The soup was a beef stock with just a touch of a fishy taste to it.

I've never heard of a beef fish before!? What, a holstein fish, or maybe an angus fish? I heard that the red ones aren't quite as fishy tasting as the black ones. :-P How do you catch one of those things, put a little hay on a hook? lol Here fishy fishy fishy.

Seriously though, I think the fishy taste came from the see weed. Overall, the soup was pretty good. Ever eat soup with a pair of chopsticks? Well I have. :-)



At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds delicious. I'm a fan of Pho... is that what it was?

At 2:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not really sure what it was called. I think it started with a w, but I don't really know. It was good though. I haven't eaten anything yet that I didn't like. :-)

At 2:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The cost is usually printed in numbers as well as in Korean. If not, they use a calculater, ㅊ미쳐ㅣㅁㅅㄷㄱ, that's cal. in Korean, maybe. The cost has not been a real issue as of yet.

The Slurper


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